7月6日(土)、日吉キャンパスにて読売新聞と慶應義塾大学主催の市民講座「まだ間に合う!ラグビーの楽しみ方」が開かれ、KEIO 2020 projectのメンバーで企画・運営を行いました。
ラグビーのチーム作り、目標に対する意識共有や様々な国歌を歌う「スクラムユニゾン」でのおもてなし精神など廣瀬さんのお話はKEIO 2020 projectメンバーにとって勉強になることばかりでした。
【Activity Report】
On July 6th(Sat), a public lecture named “It’s not late to learn it! How to enjoy Rugby” was held, which was organized by the Yomiuri Shimbun and Keio University. The members of KEIO 2020 project planned and also conducted the event.
As the 2019 Rugby World Cup will be held in Japan, we invited as a special guest Mr.Toshiaki Hirose, the former captain of the Japan National Team. In order to increase the participants’ interest in the sport, we asked Mr.Hirose to present about how to enjoy rugby, share behind-the-scenes episodes of the match against the South Africa National Team in the 2015 World Cup, and finally give his take on the future of rugby.
We had a valuable time listening to Mr.Hirose’s lecture. He mainly talked about the team building of rugby, exchanged opinions on the goals, and the “Scrum Unison,” which is the project to sing several countries’ national anthems.
Last but not least, we would like to thank Mr.Hirose, everyone in the Yomiuri Shimbun, Keio Rugby Football Club, and those who had taken care of us. Thank you very much.