

9/21(火)に、慶應義塾大学出身で東京五輪アーチェリー男子代表の武藤 弘樹選手をお招きし、オンライントークイベントを開催いたしました。





On Tuesday, September 21, we held an online talk event with Hiroki Muto, a Keio University alumni and a member of the Japanese men’s archery team for the Tokyo Olympics.

During the session, Mr. Muto discussed an array of topics such as the fun of archery, how he lead Japan to the bronze medal, how to face yourself, and how to set goals.

Mr. Muto answered everyone’s questions thoughtfully, and we all had a wonderful time in the warm and friendly atmosphere

.We think we were able to look back on our actions while connecting the Tokyo Games to the future.

Thank you, Mr. Muto, for a wonderful event! We will continue to support you.