英国パラKrysten Coombs選手と横浜初等部生の交流会を開催しました

英国パラKrysten Coombs選手と横浜初等部生の交流会を開催しました





時差を越えてイギリスと日本を、そして選手と小学生を繋ぐ取り組みは、KEIO 2020 projectメンバーにとって初めての試みであり、オンライン開催ということもあり、実現に向け多くのチャレンジがありました。しかし、今まで団体として積んできた様々なボランティア経験・企画運営経験を生かしながら、日英両方の言語で進行を行い、参加者全員にとって楽しく有意義な時間にすることができたと感じております。


【Exchange Meeting with British Paralympic Badminton athlete Krysten Coombs and Yokohama Elementary School Students】

On Wednesday, October 27th, an exchange event was held between Mr. Krysten Coombs, a British Paralympic badminton athlete, and students from the Keio University Yokohama Elementary School.
The event was made possible by the “Origami Medals” created by the students of Yokohama Elementary School to support the Paralympic team. After seeing the medals on display at the Hiyoshi campus, Mr. Coombs felt that the students were unable to meet the team in person due to COVID19, and he volunteered to participate in the event.
The event started with an opening speech, followed by a quiz contest, an exercise session where Mr. Coombs taught us his favorite exercise routine, a Q&A session, and closing words. When the students congratulated Mr. Coombs on winning the bronze medal at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games, he showed everyone his actual medal, which was very exciting. During the Q&A session, Mr. Coombs said that he would like students to spread the word to the people around them that not only people with disabilities, but all people are different and wonderful in their own way.
What was particularly important for this exchange was to create as many opportunities as possible for the students to talk and interact directly with Mr. Coombs. Through this interaction, the students felt the tension and excitement of talking to a Paralympic athlete, and we hoped that what they learned would be useful in their future challenges. Because of the rehearsals held a week before the event and the thorough much preparation from each student, the event was a success.

This was the first attempt for the KEIO 2020 project members to connect the UK and Japan, and the athletes and elementary school students across the time difference. However, we were able to make it a fun and meaningful time for all participants by facilitating the event in both Japanese and English, making use of the various volunteer experiences and planning and management experiences we have accumulated as a group.
We would like to thank Mr. Coombs for the many experiences he shared with us, the 400+ students from Yokohama Elementary School who attended the event, and everyone who helped make the event possible.
An article about the event was also posted on the official Keio University website in Japanese and English. They can be read from the link bellow.
