The development of a safe swimming education programme

At Keio University, we believe that swimming is one of the essential qualities a person should have. The school’s philosophy is that all students should acquire swimming skills not to lose their lives or save others from drowning because they cannot swim. In 2020, due to the new coronavirus, many primary and secondary schools cancelled swimming lessons, which means fewer opportunities to learn about water safety in swimming lessons. Consequently, more water-related accidents happened in 2020 than ever before. Since just watching a video would help prevent water-related accidents, Assoc. Prof. Toriumi and Mr Fujimoto (a teacher at Keio Yochisga Elementary School) have worked to create the videos below. Please check out the videos before you visit the waterfront.

・Introduction <Watch the video
・Step 1 <Watch the video
・Step 2 <Watch the video
・Step 3 <Watch the video
・Step 4 <Watch the video
・Help sign <Watch the video
・Overview of safe swimming <Watch the video
・Instructions for treading water <Watch the video

(12th October 2021)